

  • Istvan, D., Aslam, K., Malavolta, I. and Lago, P. “Collaborative Model-Driven Software Engineering – A Systematic Survey of Practices and Needs in Industry” under minor review at Journal of Systems and Software.
  • Aslam, K., Cleophas, L., Schiffelers, R. and van den Brand, M. “Interface protocol inference to aid understanding legacy software components. Software and Systems Modeling” (SoSym 2020), pp. 1-22.


  • Istvan, D., Aslam, K., Faridmoayer, S., Malavolta, I., Syriani, E. and Lago, P. “Collaborative Model-Driven Software Engineering: A Systematic Update” in 2021 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model-Driven Languages and Systems (MODELS 2021).
  • Hendriks, D., Aslam, K. “A Systematic Approach for Interfacing Component-Based Software with an Active Automata Learning Tool. ISoLA 2022
  • Yang, N., Aslam, K., Schiffelers, R., Lensink, L., Hendriks, D., Cleophas, L. and Serebrenik, A. “Improving model inference in industry by combining active and passive learning.” 2019 IEEE 26th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER 2019).


  • Voogd, S.N., Aslam, K., van Gool, L., Theelen, B. and Malavolta, I. “Real-Time
    Collaborative Modeling across Language Workbenches–a Case on Jetbrains MPS and
    Eclipse Spoofax
    “. HoWCom 2021, 1st hands-on workshop on Collaborative Modeling,
    co-located with MODELS 2021.
  • Aslam, K., Luo, Y., Schiffelers, R. and van den Brand, M. “Interface protocol inference to aid understanding legacy software components.” 5th International Workshop on Interplay of Model-Driven and Component-Based Software Engineering (ModComp), co-located with MODELS 2018.